Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Worst Way to Power Our Planet

     So now comes the big question. What is the worst way to power our planet? Oil.

     Most of us know it as that bill that goes up during the winter; the bill that makes us take shorter showers and turn down the thermostat. We all use it, but unfortunately its destroying our planet. We only see it being pumped into our houses, but not out of the ground.
     The drilling rigs that are offshore all around the world are destroying the environment and our society. When oil leaks into the ocean, a huge environmental crisi is created. When an area gets contaminated, it stays contaminated for up to 1,000 years, even if they do get cleaned. But, private corporations have come up with a solution! Corexit!

     Just kidding. Corexit is designed as a dispersant for breaking up oil slicks. Sounds good, right? False. While corexit may be their "solution" its actually creating a bigger problem. Corexit is actually more toxic than crude oil itself. It's extremely dangerous and actually contains cyanide, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and mercury. You don't have to be a chemist to know that cyanide, arsenic, and mercury aren't good for you. In fact, they are actually deadly. All of them are known carcinogenics.
     In the 2010 BP oil spill, 200 million gallons of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico and this "solution" killed more than 82,000 birds, about 6,000 sea turtles, nearly 26,000 marine mammals, and an unknown massive number of fish and invertebrates. This also put thousands of workers in the Gulf out of work.
     Some solution, huh?


  1. I disagree with you, I believe that nuclear power is the worst way to power the planet. But good details, I like how you supported your argument.

  2. I disagree i also think that nuclear is the worst way. I like how you supported your argument and great details !

  3. I agree with you that oil is the worst way to power our planet. I like how you presented Corexit as a solution at first, then gave facts about it to show that it's worse.

  4. I agre with Allie that nuclear power is bad, but Austin has really good details showing why domestic oil is the worst way to power the planet.

  5. I believe that domestic oil is one of the worst way but not the worst. I think nuclear power is the worst wat to power the planet because even though it would be contaminated for up to 1000 years that is nothing compared to the amount of time the area would be contaminated if there was a nuclear meltdown and the contamination would also be way worse.
    You had good supporting facts.

  6. Very well done blog, you did a good job supporting your post with facts. The list of chemicals really showed how deadly the chemical cleaner was. One thing you could is the fact that corexit can sink the oil further into the ocean floor. Another example you could give is the Exxon Valdez considering all of the people who worked on that have now died because of the corexit they used to clean up the oil.

  7. I disagree with you because, yes this may cause shorter showers but, nuclear causes contaminated lands for more than 1,000 years, making them un- habitable. Not only that but babys are being born sick and deformed, they don't eventually get sick like the other power sources lead to. So what would you rather? Taking less showers or deformed sick baby's and you can no longer live at your house because its unhabitable, let alone take a shower in it.
